Vanessa at ease on her recurrency jump
Mark Whaley
Camila's hooked after stage one
Mick Hardy
Watch Camila's very first skydive
Mick Hardy

Skydiving with us

Learning to skydive at Far North Freefall is an immersive experience. You'll camp at our dropzone and become part of the family. Your steady progression through the week will lead into our club weekend. The rest of the North Queensland crew will join you on the ground and in the aircraft to share the unbeatable feelings of this amazing sport.
It's not just about the skydiving.
We run courses every month during our active season. Register your interest and communicate directly with our novice coordinator to book a slot on the next one. Your dream is one step closer to reality. Read on for more detail on what to expect.
Book now
Anna ready for stage seven
Mick Hardy
Watch Anna nail her stage seven
Mick Hardy
Josh stage four with Mick
Vera Kukuk

Visiting students and novices

Our club's day to day operation relies on dedicated volunteers. We're a little different to normal skydiving centres you may have experienced when starting your journey. Your phone calls, emails and general enquiries are answered by club members, skydivers just like you. We're not dedicated staff members. Please keep this in mind when seeking information about joining us at Far North Freefall. Be kind and patient and we'll be helpful and accommodating.
We're a training organisation and can usually accommodate all skydivers at any stage of their journey. Please contact us to ensure we have available instructors and to check to see if we're operating on the weekend you have in mind.
You will love jumping at Far North Freefall. Prepare to immerse yourself in the club atmosphere where we all work together to go skydiving.

Visiting students and novices

Please complete these easy tasks if you didn't train with us.
Complete your 2024 club membership
Cheaper jumps, free camping, and a jersey.
Complete your Burble profile
This is manifest. Please register before you arrive.
Please contact us
Your tasks will vary depending on your experience.
Camila all smiles after landing
Mick Hardy

Tandem Skydiving

Tandem skydiving is one of the most exhilarating experiences on the planet, but skydiving solo is better.
Far North Freefall do not offer tandem skydives.
We teach all our students to jump solo.
You will need to contact Skydive Australia if you wish to jump tandem. You'll land on Mission Beach with stunning views of the Great Barrier Reef. It's hands down one of the most visually spectacular jumps in Australia.
After your jump, come back, and see us to continue your adventure with an AFF solo skydive.
Nicholas at Skydive Townsville
Zac at Skydive Townsville
Cassie at Skydive Townsville
Elaine at Skydive Townsville
Kerney at Skydive Townsville
Skydive Australia: 1300 663 634

Why learn to skydive?

Skydiving boosts mental and physical health, self-esteem, and personal growth. It’s an exhilarating and breathtaking experience with amazing views.
Jumping from an aircraft is well outside anyone's comfort zone. It is crazy and expensive. You have every right to be concerned. Even your instructors feel this fear, but we manage and embrace it. It's perfectly normal for you to be scared and nervous during your course, in freefall and while flying your canopy.
We'll provide you with the knowledge and guidance in the air and on the ground to build your skills and confidence. We'll assist you in making the right decisions on equipment to make your progress affordable and as safe as possible.
This is the ultimate fun social activity. Join us, meet new people, and create lasting memories and lifetime friendships.

What's included?

Far North Freefall offer the complete AFF course package. We don't offer smaller bites or just stage one. We invest a great deal of time and energy into your first jump. We like to see an equal amount of upfront commitment and dedication from our candidates. We're investing together with you in your future.
If you discover it's not your thing, we'll refund the unused portion of your course.

Complete package

The entire AFF course


  • Full day of Ground school
    Theory, practical and exam. We'll ensure you're ready to jump.
  • Club membership 2024
    Cheaper jumps, free camping, and a Far North Freefall jersey
  • APF student membership
    Three months membership with the APF
  • Personal Accident Insurance
    Three months through the APF
  • Stages 1, 2 and 3
    The first three jumps require two instructors
  • Stages 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    One instructor jumps with you on your latter stages
  • Your first solo skydive
    Your first solo jump is the game changer - you'll never forget it
  • Stage 9
    Solo jump from a lower altitude supervised by an instructor
  • Student logbook
    Your first and most treasured logbook
  • Professional logbook
    Room for your next 300 jumps
  • Your first pair of freefall goggles
    A brand new pair of top-quality professional goggles
  • A licence guide
    The APF booklet to acquire your first skydiving licence
  • B licence APF guide
    The booklet to help you attain your next skydiving licence
  • Canopy Pilot APF booklet
    Information and guidance For all canopy pilots

Not included

A few additional costs can be expected
  • A licence
    Your first skydiving licence requires around five extra jumps
  • Repeated AFF stages
    Additional attempts may be required to complete a stage
  • Food and drinks
    You can utilise our kitchen or visit Tully township
Carmen relaxed and confident for stage eight
Mark Whaley
The complete package is priced to allow us to send the aircraft with only a few on board. This is more expensive than filling it with our friends. Individual AFF jumps do not have this luxury and can only jump when the aircraft is full. You will receive a little credit to help your journey if we can fill the plane with other skydivers during your course.

Cost of student jumps

If you've started your AFF training elsewhere and wish to continue with us, this pricing chart is for you. These also show the additional costs you'll need to cover if you're required to repeat a stage during your AFF training course.
Pricing is subject to change and this chart may not reflect the latest pricing at the dropzone.

Student pricing

All pricing is GST inclusive and subject to change
  • Solo jump with gear hire$68
    After you've completed all nine stages of the AFF course
  • Jump tickets$35
    Our students pay the same for a slot on the aircraft as all our skydivers
  • Gear hire$33
    We don't charge for altimeters, helmets or additional items
  • Gear hire (packed by you)$22
    Signed off to pack for yourself, packed by you, jumped by you
  • AFF Stages 1, 2 or 3$270
    The first three AFF jumps require two instructors
  • AFF Stages 1, 2 or 3 - course repeat$215
    No gear hire or club fee for course students repeating a stage
  • AFF Stages 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8$180
    These AFF jumps require a single instructor
  • AFF Stages 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 - course repeat$125
    No gear hire or club fee for course students repeating a stage
  • AFF Stage 4 - additional instructor$90
    An additional instructor may be suggested for safety reasons
  • AFF Stage 9$145
    An instructor will brief you and accompany you on the aircraft
  • Coached jumped for novices$180
    A coached jump, includes b-rels, recurrencies, canopy comms etc.

Price breakdown

Calculating the price of an AFF stage one
  • Jump tickets x 3$105
    Three slots on the aircraft for you and your instructors
  • Instructor fee x 2$110
    Our instructors are paid $50 + GST for their services
  • Gear hire$33
    Your rental fee pays for student gear and ongoing maintenance
  • Club fee$22
    You contribute to the ongoing costs of running our club
  • Total$270
    It all adds up
Camila's sunset stage one
Mark Whaley

Voices of content

Don't take our word for it. This is how our newest skydivers feel.
"Doing my AFF at FNFF was an incredible experience. Not only are the instructors exceptionally knowledgeable, but they knew exactly how to mentally coach me and I will be forever grateful to them for getting me in the sky. It has been awesome to come back jumping this year and I have not stopped smiling since."
AFF at FNFF was an absolutely amazing experience. The instructors are exceptional and go above and beyond to ensure a fun, safe progression. Couldn't imagine doing it anywhere else! Thanks!
"From a misunderstanding to a life changing experience. Being part of a big crazy family full of people who know how to make the most out of life & support each other. Learning to skydive is an amazing journey & FNFF is the meeting point for the best humans around!"
Thrills, beers, and endless unforgettable moments! You won’t regret it…

Your student gear

We are extremely fortunate here at Far North Freefall to have world leading modern student gear available for you. We have ten well maintained near identical sets of gear in service. The only differences are the size and colour of both the gear and the parachutes. We have student gear your instructors would be happy to jump. We jumped it all week when we trained our new round of instructors.
Your stature and experience dictate which set of gear is most suitable for you. Our instructors will ensure the gear fits securely before you board the aircraft.  You will have perfectly normal fears and concerns about your skydive but you can rest assured your gear is state of the art, sleek and comfortable. It's designed to work for you. You can put aside any fears about old, worn, or outdated gear. We take no shortcuts and spare no expense when it comes to your safety and comfort.
Troy is our perfect gear model
Mick Hardy
Natalia's gear on stage three
Mick Hardy
Camilia on target for stage three
Mick Hardy
Anna touches down on stage seven
Mick Hardy

Your parachute

Your parachute has been designed with you in mind. We've chosen it from a vast selection of available options. It's smooth and docile to fly, opens predicably and lands superbly. It's your friend. Don't be nervous or scared of your parachute. We'll teach you how it all works, about openings, patterns, steering and flight. Your parachute wants to fly and land well, just like you.
Skydivers call your parachute a canopy. I'm not sure why. It just is. Paragliders call them wings, which makes more sense as they are a wing, just like an aeroplane wing. They generate lift as they fly through the sky. We'll teach you how to fly predictable patterns amongst other jumpers.  We'll show you how to control the lift and time your touch down to land nicely in the correct area. You'll be guided by us for your first few jumps. As you gain experience and confidence, we'll gradually step back and let you take control.
By the end of your course, you'll know exactly what you're doing, fly where you want, avoid others in the sky and land on target. You and your parachute are a team. The incredible exhilaration of freefall is always accompanied by the beautiful freedom of flight as you fly your canopy home.

Our AFF Stages

As you progress through your course, you'll slowly but surely learn how to control your fear and enjoy the adventure. We start slowly with two instructors supporting you and ensuring stability during freefall and guiding you under your canopy. You gradually learn the fundamentals of freefall and flying your parachute with our assistance. As you progress through the course, you'll experience solo freefall and solo canopy flight. By the end of the course, you'll experience 360° turns, tracking, barrel rolls, controlling your speed in freefall, stand up landings and more. It really is a life changing journey.
Jack's stage threeMark Whaley
Jack Marshall - AFF Stage 5 -Mick Hardy
Anna exits in styleMick Hardy

Stage One

Your first skydive is the most incredibly important moment in your life. It’s the day you start your journey. Your objectives are to have the most fun ever, monitor your height during freefall, practise deploying your parachute and manage the overwhelming amount of intense exhilaration hitting all your senses at once.
We’re right there sharing the rush with two experienced instructors supporting and balancing you in freefall and keeping you in control. You deploy your own parachute and fly it home under our guidance. We’re with you all the way, walking by your side and ensuring you manage your objectives and perform to the best of your ability. It’s an instant in time you will cherish forever.
Let's go!
Anna primed and ready for stage one
Mick Hardy
Anna in freefall for sunset on stage one
Mick Hardy
Anna's perfect stage one exit
Mick Hardy

Stage Two

You still have two instructors supporting you throughout your second skydive, but you'll be more aware and responsive to our signals. The dive itself is a consolidation of stage one with greater focus on fine tuning your body position as we're planning to release you on your next jump. We'll adjust your overall body position and work on awareness of your arms and legs.
You'll be taught how to move your arms to initiate a small turn. You should start to know where you are in freefall, you'll see the ocean, the clouds, the mountains, and islands, and you'll acknowledge the direction and speed of the turn you initiate.
Once again, you'll monitor your height, deploy your own parachute, and fly home under our guidance.
Anna is airborne ready for stage two
Mick Hardy
Anna above the mountains on stage two
Mick Hardy
Anna's exit on stage two
Mick Hardy

Stage Three

This is one of our favourite jumps and it will be yours as well. Two instructors will support you during the exit and into freefall. We'll adjust your arms and legs ready for release. One instructor will fly in front of you and continue providing signals. You'll feel the air and know how to stay facing your instructor without drifting away or turning. If all is well, the second instructor will let you go.
You'll continue monitoring your height and maintaining your position in front of your instructor. You'll deploy your own parachute and fly home. Depending on your growing canopy skills and confidence, you'll likely be flying on your own to your holding area, starting your own landing pattern. We'll guide you through your touch down.
You've now experienced solo freefall. The training wheels are off!
Anna practises her stage three exit
Mick Hardy
Anna's first solo freefall on stage three
Mick Hardy
Anna ready for her stage three exit
Mick Hardy

Stage Four

You've experienced solo freefall. This is the jump where you lock in the feeling and build your confidence. One instructor will assist you during the exit and into freefall. They'll adjust your body position, allowing you to settle into a nicely controlled freefall. You'll be released. The more time you have on your own in freefall, the faster the penny will drop, and you'll be balanced and controlled before you know it.
The rest of the jump will be used to stay on heading without drifting away from your instructor. As always, monitor your height and enjoy the view. It's a place only a select few of us can call home.
Your flight home under canopy will be almost all you. You'll start your own pattern and landing. We'll only step in if we feel the need to fine tune your position. You'll likely land completely on your own, although it may take a few more jumps to nail your canopy control.
Camila keen for stage four
Mick Hardy
Camila's parachute opens smoothly on stage four
Mick Hardy
Camila sneaks a quick grin on stage four
Mick Hardy

Stage Five

Another jump with one instructor supporting you during exit and into freefall. By this stage, you'll be comfortable in freefall and confident in your own ability. You'll have the skills to fall straight down without moving away from us or turning without control. We'll release you and you'll do a complete 360° turn. You've got this! Check out Camila's stage five for a dose of confidence!
You'll know how to turn in either direction, move forward, link up with your instructor and do it all again in the opposite direction.
You'll be smiling and relaxed at this point in your journey. Your confidence is building. You'll monitor your height, deploy your parachute, and understand how to join others in the pattern.
Camila excited for stage five
Mick Hardy
Camila calm and relaxed on stage five
Mick Hardy
Camila smashing those 360° turns
Mick Hardy

Stage Six

Your first solo exit is a game changer. You'll know deep down how to leave an aircraft with the knowledge and confidence that you're in control and on point. Stability is no longer an issue. You know how to recover and sort yourself into a solid controlled freefall with your instructor close at hand if you need a little assistance. We won't let you lose control. You're sorted now!
This jump is a consolidation of the previous jump, so you'll do some more 360° turns, and a heap more smiling. You'll move forward and link up with your instructor. You'll see the views and enjoy the ride.
Your canopy skills have grown and you're on your own now, joining everyone else in the pattern and landing on your own.
After stage six, we're usually happy enough with your ability and confidence to sign you off for solo jumps. That's right, all on your own, no instructor. If you want to go for a confidence building solo blast, you can!
Smiling with the weather gods for stage six
Mick Hardy
Anna smashes through her stage six turns
Mick Hardy
Anna showing off her freestyle exit
Mick Hardy

Stage Seven

It's all fun from here. This jump is often a diving exit. Your instructor is still right there if you need a hand and to help boost confidence. You'll do barrel rolls on this jump. We expect you to lose stability and recover on your own.
Tracking is the name of the game on this jump. That's zooming across the sky. You pin your arms back, stick your legs out, tilt your body and harness the energy of the wind to propel you across the sky.
We use tracking to move away from each other to allow us to open our parachutes in our own area of the sky.
Joshua about to blitz stage seven
Mick Hardy
Joshua's beautiful barrel roll
Mick Hardy
Joshua tracking like a legend
Mick Hardy

Stage Eight

Stage eight is a great little jump to fine tune and consolidate all your freefall skills. We can modify it to suit you. You'll start with fast and slow fall. This skill is required when jumping with other people. You need to match each other's fall rate so you can link up and build formations.
Next, we'll work on the tracking skills you learnt on the previous jump. You'll work on this every single jump. You can always fine tune your track. We'll also introduce turns within your track, so you know how to adjust the direction you're travelling.
You'll use your track to move away from your instructor before you open your parachute.
It's not hard to lose track of time and altitude with so much fun going on. It's your job to monitor your height, deploy at the correct altitude, check for traffic under canopy, join the pattern and land safely in amongst all the other skydivers.
Joshua nailing stage eight
Mick Hardy
Joshua's first dive exit
Mick Hardy
Joshua's on heading deployment
Mick Hardy

Stage Nine

This is the last jump of your course. It's a lower altitude orientation jump. We don't always have the luxury of 14,000' where we can freefall for over a minute before deploying our parachute. We often need to leave the plane at a lower altitude due to clouds or just for fun.
On this jump, you'll set yourself up, check your location by looking out the door and prepare for exit.
You'll leave the plane at 5,000 feet. You still have plenty of time to gain stability and deploy your parachute. Don't panic. Relax and enjoy the moment. Most everyone performs this jump perfectly. A nice, poised exit, a step out into the wind, watching your instructor still in the plane, breathe, settle, deploy your parachute. It's a lovely jump.
You're a skydiver now, part of the family. Welcome!
Camila finishes her AFF course
Mark Whaley
Joshua exits for stage nine
Mark Whaley
Anna launches into a sunset stage nine
Mick Hardy

Meet our instructors

One of our Far North Freefall instructors at will be looking after you on each jump. We're all extremely experienced, confident, and knowledgeable. We're super excited to be right there with you sharing your adventure and watching your progression. When jumping is done, chat with us about our passion. We all have a few stories to tell.
  • Anna

    AFF Instructor
    Display General, Wingsuit Crest, Certificate E, Certificate B Coach, Packer B, CRW Crest, Star Crest
  • Ash

    AFF Instructor, DZSO, Course Trainer
    Display General, Certificate E, Certificate B Coach, Packer A, Star Crest, Freefly Crest HU
  • Darren

    Senior Instructor, AFF, SFF, Tandem, DZSO, Course Trainer
    Display Pro, Cert IV in Training & Assessment, Freefly Coach, Freefly Crest HD, Freefly Crest HU, Certificate F, Packer B, Star Crest
  • Mark

    AFF Instructor
    Display Pro, Certificate D, Certificate B Coach, Packer B, Star Crest
  • Mark

    AFF Instructor
    Certificate F, CRW Crest, Certificate B Coach, Packer B, Display Pro, Star Crest, Jump Pilot Authorisation
  • Mick

    AFF Instructor, Tandem, DZSO, Course Trainer
    Display Organiser's Licence, CRW Crest, Packer B, Display Pro, Wingsuit Crest, Star Crest
  • Nic

    AFF Instructor
    Certificate E, Display Pro, Certificate B Coach, CRW Crest, Star Crest, Packer B
  • Rauno

    AFF Instructor, Tandem
    Certificate E, Packer B, Freefly Crest HU, Display Pro, Wingsuit Crest, Star Crest
  • Tim

    AFF Instructor, Tandem, DZSO
    CRW Crest, Freefly Coach, Display Organiser's Licence, Display Pro, Packer B, Wingsuit Crest, Freefly Crest HD, Freefly Crest HU, Certificate E, Star Crest
  • Valérie

    AFF Instructor, DZSO, Course Trainer
    Display Pro, Certificate E, Packer A, Star Crest
  • Vera

    AFF Instructor
    Freefly Crest HD, Certificate E, Display General, Freefly Crest HU, Certificate B Coach, Packer B, CRW Crest, Star Crest
  • Wade

    AFF Instructor
    Display General, Packer B, Certificate B Coach, Freefly Coach, Freefly Crest HD, Freefly Crest HU, Certificate E, Star Crest
  • Wade

    AFF Instructor, DZSO, Course Trainer
    Packer B, Freefly Crest HD, Freefly Crest HU, Certificate F, Star Crest
  • Zak

    AFF Instructor
    Certificate B Coach, Packer B, Display General, Certificate E, CRW Crest, Freefly Crest HU, Star Crest

Our chief Instructor

The APF Senior Instructor Rating is the highest instructor qualification available. Chief Instructors administer clubs and centres throughout the country and have considerable influence on APF policy through their involvement in various conferences and other legislative meetings. The ultimate responsibility for safety rests on the shoulders of Chief Instructors.
  • Jules

    Chief Instructor
    APF Senior Instructor and Examiner, Canopy Coach, Canopy Piloting Coach, Skydive Events Co-ordinator, Private Pilot

What's next?

After you complete your AFF course, there is one more important step you really need to complete. Your very first skydiving licence is called an A licence and is recognised not only Australia wide but internationally as well. This is your ticket to freedom. It moves you from student status to a novice skydiver and makes it far easier to continue in the sport should you take a break. Your A licence generally requires around five more jumps after your course and a straightforward written assessment. You need to demonstrate landing in the correct area ten times unassisted by us, which is why another five jumps is necessary. We generally help you on your first few skydives to land on target.
Your second licence is called a B licence. You'll need 50 jumps and to have shown us you're competent and safe to jump with up to four other people in the sky at the same time. To complete this, you'll make a number of assessment skydives with one of our talented coaches, a few of whom have represented Australia at the World Championships. You'll be hanging out with some pretty cool friends and finding your way in the sport. There is no rush. Enjoy the journey. You can practise all this with some of your friends from your course who will be at the same or similar level as you.
Far North Freefall prides itself as hands down one of the best dropzones for you to complete these initial licences. We'll hold your hand and guide you every step of the way. As far as I'm aware, we're the only dropzone with a nurturing program in place where the club will cover the jump ticket for coaches and instructors to help you through this stage of your career. You'll need to pay for your assessment jumps, but you're encouraged to practise with available staff until you passing each stage is pretty much guaranteed. We're investing in our future by investing in yours. Other dropzones leave you to your own devices doing solos or struggling to find competent friends to jump with. Confident and happy beginners just like you are what makes our dropzone shine.
Jack's very first B-rel
Mick Hardy
Bretto nails his final B-rel
Mark Whaley
Mark head up for sunset
Mick Hardy
Jack's first armchair exit
Mick Hardy

Choose your adventure

After completing your B licence, your freedom is complete. You're no longer a novice shackled by rules and regulations. You can choose your own adventure in this vast world of skydiving. There are so many different disciplines, your options and direction in the sport are endless. You can try anything, but no-one can be awesome at everything so choose well.
We recommend starting slowly. Learn the basics of relative work before you dabble in other areas, freefly, head up, or angles. You really need to work on your skills in flat flying to cement your future. You're wasting hard earned cash if you fail to consolidate basic skills before trying more advanced disciplines. People forget they need to be competent at building larger formations before they can progress to larger angles. What new jumpers lack in ability, they more than make up for in confidence.
To move forward with freefly before cementing the basic skills of flat flying is to build a house without foundations.
You should fly in the tunnel to support freeflying as early as possible in your career. We recommend an hour or two of tunnel with iFly in your first hundred jumps. This will eliminate bad habits before they form and start your journey with all the correct tools to accomplish your goals.

Staying current

It's far too easy in this modern world to allow distractions to keep us away from the dropzone. The good old days were simpler, and we existed to skydive. The weekend away living and breathing all that is skydiving was the only option. Our passion was all consuming and nothing else really entered the list of alternatives. We live in busy times and it's up to you to try to stay current. You need to put skydiving high on the list of priorities. The longer you leave between jumps, the more lack of currency has a real impact on your safety.
For students and novices, the time between jumps before retraining is required is just 90 days. For experienced jumpers, you need six jumps in the preceding twelve months. Just this weekend gone, we had two extremely uncurrent people turn up late in the day unannounced. One hadn't jumped for three years and one for nearly a year. This is our worst nightmare. Please make a small effort to stay current for our sanity and your safety. These two set off all our alarm bells, but we did see them airborne. We don't always have the time or staff to make this happen so let us know well in advance if you'll need some retraining.
Recurrency training takes time and effort. The cost for getting your back in the sky are listed below. These costs cover your retraining, not your skydive.

Recurrency pricing

All pricing is GST inclusive and subject to change
  • Student over 90 days$90
    Classroom retraining, suspended harness, and exam. Does not include an AFF jump if required.
  • Student or novice over 180 days$150
    Extensive classroom and suspended harness retraining. Does not include a coached jump if required.
  • Coached jumped$180
    A coached jump, includes b-rels, recurrencies, canopy comms etc.
  • Student over 365 days$250
    Sit in on a full ground course. Does not include the AFF jump.
Luke regains his currency and confidence after a long break
Mick Hardy


Our sport, just like any other has it's very own weird and wonderful language.
Accelerated Free Fall is the modern way of teaching skydiving. We introduce you immediately to the experience of freefall with instructors supporting and balancing you. By the time you open your parachute, you've got a pretty good idea of how it all works.
Solo Free Fall is the original form of training, where students started with a static line opening their parachute immediately. The progression starts with short three second free falls and builds slowly over many jumps.
A Dropzone Safety Officer is an experienced instructor who can oversee day to day operations and keep on eye on the weather and all the jumpers.
Packer A and Packer B
Packer B is authorised to pack main parachutes to be used by students and other jumpers.
Packer A is able to pack reserve parachutes.
Course Trainer
Course Trainers are authorised to teach the first jump course to students.
Certificate A , B, C, D, E and F
Skydiving licences or certificates are valid worldwide and recognise a skydiver's skill level. They start with the A licence for novices. The most experienced skydivers with over a thousand jumps, can apply for an F licence.
Canopy Relative Work is a discipline where parachutes are linked up with each other in the sky.
HU and HD
Head Up is a discipline where skydivers fall in a head up or vertical orientation like sitting or standing.
Head Down is a discipline where skydivers fall in a head down or upside-down orientation like in a handstand.
Display jumps
A display jump is a skydive that is conducted in a location other than at the dropzone and often in front of the public. A special licence is required to be on a display jump and an additional licence is required to organise one. Jumps into the football or onto the beach are considered display jumps and carry a different set of rules and regulations.

Frequently asked questions

There are no silly questions in this sport. If you don't know, please ask.
Can I take my GoPro?
Our governing body requires a C licence before taking a camera on a skydive. You need 100 jumps to obtain a C licence. A comprehensive understanding of snag points and associated hazards is required.
Most of your instructors carry a camera and can provide footage of your early jumps.
Are you dog friendly?
Yes, your puppies are welcome at the dropzone. They must be well behaved and always supervised when free. During operations, while the aircraft is running, they must be on a lead or restrained. We have a public road between the club house and campsite. This is a real danger when owners are distracted.

BASE jumping

We don't teach BASE jumping here at Far North Freefall. It's not a taboo topic like it can be at other dropzones. You won't be ridiculed for asking about BASE, but you may wish to wait until you're a licensed skydiver. The reasons are obvious. You need time in the sport of skydiving before you can step into the world of BASE. We can guide you along this path but there are no short cuts. The journey is long. Sit back and enjoy it.
There are no BASE courses here in Australia. There are no legal jumps and no suitable objects for learning. BASE jumping is far more popular overseas where it's legal and actively promoted. You'll need 300 skydives and a few years of jumping under your belt before you're ready for a course overseas. Dougg's Learn to BASE Jump experience in Europe is the best entry into the sport currently available.
I left Mitch hanging on the high five
Mick Hardy
The annual KL Tower event
Karen Fuller
KL Tower International Jump Malaysia 2023
Official Video
Tahi and Tim head for home
Mick Hardy
Anna transitions above the mountains
Mick Hardy


You've seen the YouTube videos of the Squirrel suits hurtling down the mountains a few metres above the ground. You're thinking this is me and you're learning to skydive so you can join these daredevils and be the coolest kid in the room.
You can follow your dreams and be that kid, but the journey is far longer than you think. For starters, you'll need 300 skydives before you can jump a wingsuit. Then you'll need 50+ jumps on a beginner suit before you can progress to an intermediate suit. After 100+ jumps in your intermediate suit you can start exploring the possibilities of more advanced suits. You're still nowhere near the level required to take this to the mountains. You'll need a 100+ BASE jumps before you can move onto wingsuit BASE. You will know by then, the road you need to follow.
The path is a long one. There is no rush. The mountains will wait. Sit back and enjoy the journey.
We can teach you to skydive in a wingsuit. We hold an event each year where the best of the best, including the cool cats you see on YouTube come to Far North Freefall and coach us. If that's your passion, you can make it happen.